Information de l'entreprise

Les champs ci-dessous seront affichés dans votre entrée publique. Les champs marqués d'un * sont obligatoires.

Information de l'adresse

Physical Address

Vous avez le choix d'afficher votre adresse au public ou de la garder confidentielle. Les champs marqués d'un * sont obligatoires.

Glisser et déposer la punaise sur la carte pour correspondre à votre emplacement exact.

Information de contact

You can choose to display your contact information to the public or keep it private. Fields marked with a * sont obligatoires.

Description de l'entreprise

The following fields will not be displayed on your public listing.

Activité internationale

The following fields will not be displayed on your public listing.

Intentions locales

The following fields will not be displayed on your public listing.


Any business owner may submit a request for listing in our online business directory. Once you complete this form, it will go to one of our staff members for approval before being added to our business directory.

It may take up to five business days to process your application. A member of our team may contact you to confirm the details of your application.

You will not be contacted directly when we approve or deny your application. Please check our business directory to see whether your listing has been posted.

To be approved, your business must be located within the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet.

Your application for listing in our business directory will be refused if it:

  • Promotes, exhibits, illustrates or manifests hate, obscene, pornographic or sexual content of any kind
  • Does not comply with municipal, provincial or federal legislation

We reserve the right to post, refuse to post or remove any listing from our online business directory at any time, without notice.